Want to join us in our mission of reaching people with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ? Your generosity enables us to help more and more people experience a life-changing relationship with Him. We are truly grateful for your financial donation and your donation of time.

Financial giving can be divided into two categories: tithes and offerings. The tithe is ten percent of our income contributed to the church on a regular basis. The Bible teaches us that tithing is worship and obedience to the Lord, and in turn the Lord will bless the work of the tither’s hands. Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring all the tithes [the tenth] into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you [so great] a blessing until there is no more room to receive it.” An offering is anything above and beyond our tithe.

Giving of your time is another form of generosity in which you can make an impact for the kingdom of God. There are many volunteer ministry positions within the church, and as the body of Christ, we need your help. Each one of us has different skills and abilities, and you are an important part to the body because we benefit from each other’s gifts. Romans 12:6-8 says, “Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to use them accordingly: if [someone has the gift of] prophecy, [let him speak a new message from God to His people] in proportion to the faith possessed; if service, in the act of serving; or he who teaches, in the act of teaching; or he who encourages, in the act of encouragement; he who gives, with generosity; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy [in caring for others], with cheerfulness.” Without everyone participating, the church can be lacking in areas. Please check out “Join The Team” to find your place and make a difference in your community.